Marilyn Monroe (마릴린 몬로)
클릭☞ [동영상] Marilyn Monroe (마릴린 몬로)
금세기 최고의 섹스심볼. 역사상 가장 섹시한 여자
그녀의 어머니는 정신병을 앓았고, 9살 때 고아가 된다.
모든 남성들을 휘어잡으며 열광시키다. 의붓아버지에게 끝없이 성폭행당하다.
평생 천박하고 골빈 금발여자라는 낙인이 찍혔다.
그토록 염원하던 아이를 유산하고 그 충격으로 머지않아 이혼하고만다.

그녀앞에 영화제의가 산처럼 쌓여만 갔다.

최고의 여배우 중 한 사람으로 사람들 기억속에 영원히 간직된다.

돌아오지 않는 강/마리린 몬로
한국전쟁(1950.6.25)당시 미군위문공연때 방한한 마릴린몬로
Bob Hope, radio and screen star, sits with men of X Corps, as members of his troupe enterain at Womsan, Korea. October 26, 1950. Cpl. Alex Klein. (Army)
NARA FILE # 111-SC-351586
Audience reaction to the Bob Hope show at Seoul, Korea. October 23, 1950. Capt. Bloomquist. (Army)
Marilyn Monroe sings several songs for an estimated 13,000 men of the First Marine Division. Miss Monroe stopped by at the First Marine Regiment on her tour of the military units in Korea. February 16, 1954. Cpl. Kreplin. (Marine Corps)
Al Jolson entertains U.S. troops at Pusan Stadium during his visit to the fighting front. He died shortly after his return from Koera where he gave of his talent untirigly and unceasingly. He made the trip at his own expense. September 17, 1950. Kondreck. (Army)
Marilyn Monroe, motion picture actress, appearing with the USO Camp Show, "Anything Goes," poses for the shutterbugs after a performance at the 3rd U.S. Inf. Div. area. February 17, 1954. Cpl. Welshman. (Army)
Men of 92nd Engineer Searchlight Company focus on Yodeler Elton Britt during Camel Caravan variety show at Hongchon, Korea. June 9, 1951. Pfc. R.J. McKinney. (Army)
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