
이미지 위로 올라가는 글 만들기

영지니 2010. 10. 31. 18:33

♡♡♡ 메기의 추억 ♡♡♡
When you and I were young - Ann Breen

The violets were scenting the woods

Maggie Displaying the charms to the breeze

When I first said I loved only you

Maggie And you said you loved only me

The chestnut blooms gleamed through the glade

Maggie A robin sang loud from a tree

When I first said I loved only you

Maggie And you said you loved only me

The golden-robed daffodils shone

Maggie And danced with the leaves on the breeze

When I first said I loved only you

Maggie And you said you loved only me

The birds in the trees sang a song

Maggie Of happier transports to be

When I first said I loved only you

Maggie And you said you loved only me

Our dreams they have never come true

Maggie our hopes they were never to be

When I first said I loved only you

Maggie And you said you loved only me

They say we have outlived our time

Maggie, as dated as songs that we've sung

When I first said I loved only you

Maggie And you said you loved only me

Our dreams they have never come true

Maggie our hopes they were never to be

When I first said I loved only you

Maggie And you said you loved only me


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When you and I were young - Ann Breen 


The violets were scenting the woods

Maggie Displaying the charms to the breeze

When I first said I loved only you

Maggie And you said you loved only me

The chestnut blooms gleamed through the glade

Maggie A robin sang loud from a tree

When I first said I loved only you                    

Maggie And you said you loved only me 


The golden-robed daffodils shone

Maggie And danced with the leaves on the breeze

When I first said I loved only you                   

Maggie And you said you loved only me

The birds in the trees sang a song

Maggie Of happier transports to be

When I first said I loved only you                           

Maggie And you said you loved only me  


Our dreams they have never come true                   

Maggie our hopes they were never to be             

When I first said I loved only you                           

Maggie And you said you loved only me 

They say we have outlived our time

Maggie, as dated as songs that we've sung

When I first said I loved only you                           

Maggie And you said you loved only me  



Our dreams they have never come true                   

Maggie our hopes they were never to be             

When I first said I loved only you                           

Maggie And you said you loved only me