
레오나르도 다빈치

영지니 2019. 3. 10. 21:47

Leonardo da Vinci(1452 피렌체 공화국 빈치~ 1519. 5. 2 프랑스 클루. 이탈리아의 화가·조각가·건축가) 


레오나르도 다 빈치는 15세 때부터 안드레아 델 베로키오의 도제가 되어 회화·조각 등 여러 분야에서 훈련을 받았다.

20세 때 화가 길드에 들어갈 수 있었지만, 스승의 공방에 더 머물면서 기량을 키워나갔다.

이후 밀라노 대공의 후원으로 17년간 밀라노에 머물렀는데, 이 시기에 〈최후의 만찬〉 등 대작을 그렸다.

또한 회화·건축·기계학학·해부학을 넘나드는 방대한 '회화학'을 집필하기 위한 기초 자료를 많이 남겼다. 

생애 후기에 그는 그림보다 과학에 매달려 인체를 해부하고 신체기관을 연구했으며, 새의 비행이나 물의 성질 등을 연구했다.

말년에는 프랑스 왕 프랑수아 1세에 의해 '왕의 수석 화가·건축가·기술자'라는 자랑스런 칭호를 부여받았고, 왕의 궁전 근처에서 생의 마지막을 보냈다.

이 시기에 신비감을 주는 그림을 소작 남겼고, 과학 연구를 분류·편집하며 대부분의 시간을 보냈다

이미지를 클릭하시면 원본을 보실 수 있습니다.

지네브라 벤치의 초상(肖像)
지네브라 벤치의 초상(肖像)


 카네이션의 성모(聖母)
카네이션의 성모(聖母)

그리스도의 세례(洗禮)
그리스도의 세례(洗禮)

'수태고지(受胎告知)'를 위한 습작(習作)
'수태고지(受胎告知)'를 위한 습작(習作)


 베느와의 성모(聖母)
베느와의 성모(聖母)

 '수태고지(受胎告知)'를 위한 습작(習作)
'수태고지(受胎告知)'를 위한 습작(習作)



삼왕래조(三王來朝)를 위한 습작(習作)
삼왕래조(三王來朝)를 위한 습작(習作)

암굴(岩窟)의 성모(聖母)
암굴(岩窟)의 성모(聖母)

세실리아 갈레라니의 초상(肖像)
세실리아 갈레라니의 초상(肖像)


 젖먹이는 성모(聖母)
젖먹이는 성모(聖母)

여성의 두부(頭部)
여성의 두부(頭部)

소녀의 두부(頭部)
소녀의 두부(頭部)

음악가의 초상(肖像)
음악가의 초상(肖像)

여성의 초상(肖像)
여성의 초상(肖像)


라 벨 페로니에르
라 벨 페로니에르

聖안나와 聖母子와 어린양
聖안나와 聖母子와 어린양

 聖안나와 聖母子와 어린양(부분)
聖안나와 聖母子와 어린양(부분)

이사벨라 데스테의 초상(肖像)
이사벨라 데스테의 초상(肖像)



두 비너스
두 비너스

聖안나와 聖母子와 聖요한
聖안나와 聖母子와 聖요한

 聖안나와 聖母子와 聖요한(부분도)
聖안나와 聖母子와 聖요한(부분도)

암굴(岩窟)의 성모
암굴(岩窟)의 성모


트리블지오 기마상을 위한 습작(習作)
트리블지오 기마상을 위한 습작(習作)

'최후의 만찬'을 위한 습작(習作)
'최후의 만찬'을 위한 습작(習作)

 남성(南性)의 나체(裸體)
남성(南性)의 나체(裸體)

레오나르도의 신체도
레오나르도의 신체도

 레오나르도의 신체도
레오나르도의 신체도

 레오나르도의 신체도
레오나르도의 신체도

 레오나르도의 신체도
레오나르도의 신체도


 여성의 해부도
여성의 해부도

로마제국의 기독교 박해의 진정한 원인은 아내들이 성관계를 거부했기 때문이다

당시 기독교인들이 얼마나 순교에 열망하고 갈망하였는가하는 점이 잘 드러나 문서로는 ‘안드레 행전’이 있다. 이 문서는 예수의 12사도 중의 한 명인 안드레(숨은 전도자 안드레) 의 이름으로 기록된 문서인데 안드레가 직접 기록하였는지 여부는 불확실하다. 그러나 로마 치하에서 기독교 박해가 일어나고 있는 동안 기독교인들이 순교에 대한 자세를 구체적으로 살펴볼 수 있는 귀중한 문헌이라고 하겠다. 이 문헌은 자료로 전체를 소개했으니 참고하시기 바란다.

‘안드레 행전’에 의하면 안드레가 순교에 임하여 십자가를 어루만지면서 이렇게 말한다.

“오, 십자가여, 진실로 기뻐하거라. 너는 이제 쉴 수 있을 것이다. 오랫동안 나를 기다리면서 지쳤을 것이나 이제는 내가 왔으므로 앞으로 안식을 누리리라. 네가 내 것임을 안다. 나를 갈망하는 네게 내가 왔다. 진실로 나는 네가 무엇 때문에 세워졌는지 그 신비를 나는 안다. 너는 안정적이지 못한 것들을 확고하게 하기 위해 우주에 세워졌기 때문이다. 네 일부가 하늘을 향해 뻗은 것은 모든 것의 머리인 하늘의 말씀을 가리키기 위한 것이요, 네 또 다른 일부가 좌우로 뻗은 것은 두렵고 적대적인 힘을 몰리치고 일치 속으로 우주를 이끌기 위함이다. 네 또 다른 부분이 땅 깊이 박힌 채 네가 땅 위에 있는 것은 땅 밑에나 땅 위에 있는 것들이 하늘에 있는 것들과 만나게 하려함이다. 오, 십자가여, 가장 높으신 이의 구원의 도구여! 오, 십자가여, 적을 이기는 그리스도의 승리의 기념비여!”

이러한 십자가 예찬에는 순교에의 열망이 녹아있다. 안드레가 십자가에 매달리게 된 것을 얼마나 기뻐하고, 그가 고대해왔는지가 잘 드러나고 있다.

이 문헌에서 안드레는 그를 따르는 기독교인들과 시민들의 반발로 그 지역의 집정관이 안드레를 십자가에서 풀어주고 석방하려고 하자, 안드레는 이렇게 절규한다.

“주여, 당신의 십자가에 묶인 이 안드레가 풀려나지 않도록 하소서. 저를 포기하지 마소서. 저는 당신의 십자가 위에 있나이다. 저를 파렴치한 악마에게 넘기지 마소서. 오, 예수 그리스도여, 당신의 십자가에 매달린 저를 당신의 원수가 풀어주지 못하게 하소서. 아버지, 저 보잘 것 없는 자가 당신의 위대함을 안 저를 짓밟지 못하도록 하소서. 예수 그리스도여, 저는 제가 당신을 보았고, 당신을 가졌으며, 당신을 사랑하나이다. 당신 안에  제가 있고, 있을 것입니다. 당신의 영원한 장막의 평화 속에 저를 받아주시고, 저의 육체의 탈출을 통하여 본성이 비슷한 수많을 사람들이 당신께로 들어가게 하시고, 당신의 위엄 속에 안식을 갖게 하소서.”

안드레는 이 말을 마치고 육체를 떠나 그가 그토록 원하던 주님의 품에 안긴다. 그런데 이 ‘안드레 행전’에는 예수의 12사도 안드레의 순교기록이 있을 뿐 아니라 로마의 기독교 박해의 원인에 대한 특이한 기록이 들어있다. 즉 로마의 기독교 박해는 필자가 위에 예시했던 거창한 이유들 때문이라기보다 지극히 로마 지배계층의 개인적인 속사정 때문이었다는 것이다. ‘안드레 행전’에 나타나는 박해 이유는 기독교의 금욕에 대한 교리 때문이었다는 것이다. 안드레를 처형했던 로마의 집정관 에제아티스는 자신의 아내 막시일라가 잠자리를 거부했기 때문에 분노했고, 그러한 가르침을 전파했던 안드레를 처형하기를 결심한 것으로 되어 있다.

쿼바디스 도미네(주여 어디로 가시나이까?)
베드로의 설교로 로마제국의 여성들이 침실을 걸어 잠그다

기독교의 금욕에 대한 가르침이 박해의 주요 원인이었다는 것은 다른 사도들의 순교기록을 살펴보면 더욱 분명해진다.

‘쿼바디스도미네’로 잘 알려진 베드로의 순교를 기록한 ‘베드로 행전’을 보면 베드로 역시 순교의 원인이 금욕을 설교했던 것이 순교의 직접적인 원인이 되고 있음을 잘 보여주고 있다.

이 문헌에는 베드로가 집정관 아그리파의 4명의 첩에게 설교를 했는데 이 설교를 듣고 4명의 여인은 깊은 감명을 받아 아그리파와 단절하고 금욕하기로 결심한다.

결국 그녀들이 잠자리를 거부하자,

화가 머리끝까지 치민 아그리파는 기독교와 그녀들을 그렇게 만든 베드로를 찢어죽이고, 불에 태워죽이겠다고 벼른다. 


한편 로마 황제의 친구인 알비누스에게는 끔찍이 사랑하는 아내 크산티페가 있었다.

그녀 역시 베드로의 가르침을 접하고 남편과의 성관계를 거부했다.

알비누스는 모든 원인을 베드로가 제공했다는 것을 알고 베드로를 어떻게 처치할까 되자,

로마는 말할 수 없는 불안에 빠졌다고 한다.

그리하여 알비누스와 아그리파는 베드로 처형을 의논하게 되었는데, 그때 거론된 죄명이 ‘질서문란죄’였다.

알비누스와 아그리파가 베드로를 해하려한다는 이야기를 접한 베드로는 로마를 떠나기로 결심하고 로마의 성문을 나서는 도중에 예수를 만나는 장면이 나온다.

이때 예수가 로마로 들어가는 모습을 발견 베드로가 예수에게 이렇게 말한다.

“쿼바디스 도미네?” 베드로의 “주여, 어디로 가십니까?”라는 물음에 예수는 “십자가에 못박히기 위해 로마로 간다.”라고 대답한다.

베드로는 다시 “주님, 다시 십자가에 못박히시다니요?”라고 묻자,

예수는 “그렇다.


나는 다시 십자가에 못박힐 것이다.”(박해받는 나의 양들을 위해 다시 십자가를 지러 로마에 간다)라고 말한다.

이렇게 말하고 예수가 사라지자 베드로는 뭔가를 깨닫고 발길을 돌려 로마를 돌아가 십자형을 받는다.

순교자 성 베드로의 살해당하심(The Murder of St.Peter the Martyr) - Giovanni BELLINI

이것이 그 유명한 ‘쿼바디스 도미네’의 장면이다.

베드로는 십자가에 거꾸로 매달려 처형당했는데 ‘베드로 행전’에는 그 당시의 생생한 순교 상황이 소상히 잘 그려져 있다. ‘베드로 행전’은 순교 후에 베드로가 네로 황제에게 나타나 박해를 중지시키게 만드는 장면에 이르면 단지 순교의 우울한 상황을 기록한 문헌이 아닌, ‘승리의 문헌’이 된다.

필자는 ‘베드로 행전’ 중에 이와 관련된 부분만을 자료로 실었다.

참고하시기 바란다.

십자가에 처형되는 성 베드로
Crucifixion of Saint Peter

바울의 처형 당시 솟구친 하얀 피


로마의 박해가 기독교의 금욕에 대한 교리와 관련이 있다는 것은 ‘바울 행전’에도 나타난다.

이 기록에 의하면 바울은 키가 몹시 작고, 대머리였으며, 걷는 것이 이상한 안짱다리였다고 한다.

또 체격은 다부졌지만, 미간이 좁고, 매부리코였지만 인상은 온화했다고 한다.

만일 이러한 기록대로라면 그야말로 볼품없는 외모였다고 할 수 있다.

바울의 설교에 감복되어 수많은 사람들이 기독교인이 되었으나 그 때문에 수많은 적이 바울을 노렸다.

그들이 무슨 연유로 바울을 적대시하였는지 하는 점은 바울을 고발하는 군중들의 외침에서 잘 드러난다.

군중들은 총독에게 고발하기를 “마술사를 죽여라! 우리 아내들을 타락시키는 놈이다!” 이것이 주된 이유였다.

이 중에는 미혼남도 끼여 있었는데, 약혼년가 바울의 금욕교리를 듣고 결혼을 거부해 앙심을 먹은 자였다.

그래서 바울은 ‘독을 퍼뜨리는 사악한 자’로 칭해졌다.

그런데 바울이 순교를 상세히 기록한 ‘바울 행전’에는 로마의 박해 이유로 정치적인 측면이 있음을 보여준다.

네로 황제와 관련된 이야기에서인데, 네로는 자신에게 시중들던 파트로클루스가 기독교인임을 심문한다.

그때 심문의 주된 내용은 파트로클루스가 고백한 ‘그리스도 예수, 모든 시대의 왕’이라는 말이다.

그의 시종이 자신 이외의 다른 왕을 섬기고 있으며, 그의 군대의 일원이며, 그리스도 군대는 전 세계로 세력을 확장하고자 한다는 말을 들은 네로는 격분한다. 그리고 주모자인 바울과 일당을 체포하고 모두 불에 태우라는 처형명령을 내린다.

다만 바울의 경우 로마시민이기 때문에 로마법에 따라 목을 베는 것으로 기록되어 있다.

이때 사형 집행인들이 바울의 목을 베자 흰 물이 솟구쳐서 병사들의 옷을 적셨다고 한다.

최후의 만찬 - 수정 전


최후의 만찬 - 수정 후

수정 전의 최후의 만찬 중 여자의 모습 확대


거울로 봐야하는 다빈치의 암호


루브르박물관 - 중앙의 피라밋과 오른쪽 아래가 거꾸로된 피라밋 자리

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템플 교회

템플 교회의 기사에 대한 묘사

템플 교회의 기사

조지 라 투어의 참회하는 마리아 막달리아

인어공주에 나온 참회하는 마리아 막달리아

로슬린 성당

Chapter House in Westminster abby

아이작 뉴턴의 묘지

The Baptism of Christ (detail)1472-75Oil on woodGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Annunciation1472-75Tempera on wood, 98 x 217 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Annunciation (detail)1472-75Oil and tempera on woodGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Annunciation (detail)1472-75Oil and tempera on woodGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Annunciation (detail)1472-75Oil and tempera on woodGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Annunciation (detail)1472-75Oil and tempera on woodGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci1474-78Oil on wood, 38,8 x 36,7 cmNational Gallery of Art, Washington

Reverse side of the portrait of Ginevra de' Benci1474-78Oil on wood, 38,8 x 36,7 cmNational Gallery of Art, Washington

Madonna with a Flower (Madonna Benois)c. 1478Oil on canvas transferred from wood, 50 x 32 cmThe Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Madonna with a Flower (Madonna Benois)c. 1478Oil on canvas transferred from wood, 50 x 32 cmThe Hermitage, St. Petersburg

The Madonna of the Carnation1478-80Oil on panel, 62 x 47,5 cmAlte Pinakothek, Munich

The Madonna of the Carnation (detail)1478-80Oil on panelAlte Pinakothek, Munich

The Madonna of the Carnation (detail)1478-80Oil on panel, width of detail: 25 cmAlte Pinakothek, Munich

Annunciation1478-82Oil on panel, 16 x 60 cmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Annunciation (detail)1478-82Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, Paris

Annunciation (detail)1478-82Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, Paris

St Jeromec. 1480Oil on panel, 103 x 75 cmPinacoteca, Vatican

Adoration of the Magi1481-82Oil on panel, 246 x 243 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Virgin of the Rocks1483-86Oil on panel, 199 x 122 cmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Virgin of the Rocks (detail)1483-86Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, Paris

Virgin of the Rocks (detail)1483-86Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, Paris

Virgin of the Rocks1495-1508Oil on panel, 189,5 x 120 cmNational Gallery, London

Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani (Lady with an Ermine)1483-90Oil on wood, 55 x 40 cmCzartoryski Museum, Cracow

Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani (detail)1483-90Oil on woodCzartoryski Museum, Cracow

Portrait of a Musician1490Oil on panel, 43 x 31 cmPinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milan

La belle Ferroniérec. 1490Oil on panel, 63 x 45 cmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Madonna Littac. 1490-91Tempera on canvas, transferred from panel, 42 x 33 cmThe Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Madonna Litta (detail)c. 1490-91Tempera on canvas, transferred from panelThe Hermitage, St. Petersburg

The Refectory with the Last Supper after restoration1498-Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan

The Last Supper1498Mixed technique, 460 x 880 cmConvent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan

The Last Supper1498Mixed technique, 460 x 880 cmConvent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan

The Last Supper1498Mixed technique, 460 x 880 cmConvent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan

The Last Supper (detail)1498Mixed techniqueConvent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan

Ceiling decoration1496-98Fresco and temperaSala delle Asse, Castello Sforzesco, Milan

Ceiling decoration1496-98Fresco and temperaSala delle Asse, Castello Sforzesco, Milan

Mona Lisa (La Gioconda)c. 1503-5Oil on panel, 77 x 53 cmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Mona Lisa (La Gioconda)c. 1503-5Oil on panel, 77 x 53 cmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Mona Lisa (detail)1503-5Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, Paris

Mona Lisa (detail)1503-5Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, Paris

Mona Lisa (detail)1503-5Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, Paris

Female head (La Scapigliata)c. 1508Oil on panel, 27 x 21 cmGalleria Nazionale, Parma

Madonna and Child with St Anne and the Young St John1507-08Charcoal with white chalk heightening on paper, 141,5 x 106 cmNational Gallery, London

Madonna and Child with St Anne and the Young St John (detail)1507-08Charcoal with white chalk heightening on paperNational Gallery, London

The Virgin and Child with St Annec. 1510Oil on wood, 168 x 130 cmMusée du Louvre, Paris

The Virgin and Child with St Anne (detail)c. 1510Oil on woodMusée du Louvre, Paris

The Virgin and Child with St Anne (detail)c. 1510Oil on wood, width of detail 40 cmMusée du Louvre, Paris

St John in the Wilderness (Bacchus)1510-15Oil on panel transferred to canvas, 177 x 115 cmMusée du Louvre, Paris

St John the Baptist1513-16Oil on panel, 69 x 57 cmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Madonna with the Yarnwinderc. 1501Oil on panel, 48,3 x 36,9 cmPrivate collection

Madonna with the Yarnwinderafter 1510Oil on panel, transferred to canvas, 50,2 x 36,4 cmPrivate collection, New York

Madonna with the Yarnwinder (detail)after 1510Oil on panel, transferred to canvasPrivate collection, New York

Leda1508-15Oil on panel, 130 x 77,5 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Leda (detail)1508-15Oil on panel, 130 x 77,5 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Leda1510-15Oil on panel, 112 x 86 cmGalleria Borghese, Rome

Leda and the Swan1505-10Oil on panel, 69,5 x 73,7 cmWilton House, Salisbury

Ledac. 1530Oil on woodStaatliche Museen, Kassel

Last Supper (copy)16th centuryOil on canvas, 418 x 794 cmDa Vinci Museum, Tongerlo

The Battle of Anghiari (detail)1503-05Black chalk, pen and ink, watercolour on paper, 452 x 637 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris

The Battle of Anghiari (detail)1503-05Oil on canvasGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

The Battle of Anghiari (copy of a detail)1503-05DrawingGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Battle of Anghiari (Tavola Doria)1503-05Oil on panel, 85 x 115 cmFormerly private collection, Munich (lost)

Group of riders in the Battle of Anghiari1503-04Black chalk, white highlights, 160 x 197 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Study of battles on horseback and on foot1503-04Pen and ink on paper, 160 x 152 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Study of battles on horseback and on foot1503-04Pen and ink on paper, 145 x 152 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Study of battles on horseback1503-04Pen and ink on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Study of horses for the Battle of Anghiari1503-04Traces of black and red chalk, pen and ink, wash on paper, 196 x 308 mm Royal Library, Windsor

Rearing horse1503-04Red chalk and pencil, 153 x 142 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Head studies1504-05Metalpoint, black and red chalk on paper, 191 x 188 mmSzépmévészeti Mézeum, Budapest

Head of a Warrior ('The Red Head')1504-05Red chalk on brownish paper, 226 x 186 mmSzépmévészeti Mézeum, Budapest

Sleeve study for the Annunciation1470-73Pen, ink on paper, 85 x 95 mmChrist Church, Oxford

Woman's Head1470-76Pen, ink and white pigment on paper, 282 x 199 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Study of the Madonna and Child with a Catc. 1478Pen and ink on paper, 281 x 199 mm British Museum, London

Study for the Madonna with the Fruit Bowlc. 1478Pen and ink over silverpoint on paper, 358 x 252 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Study of a woman's headc. 1490Silverpoint on greenish prepared paper, 180 x 168 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Head of a girlc. 1483Silverpoint and white highlights on prepared paper, 181 x 159 mmBiblioteca Reale, Turin

Studies for a Nativity-Pen and brown ink, on pink prepared paper, 193 x 162 mmMetropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Perspectival study of the Adoration of the Magic. 1481Pen and ink, traces of silverpoint and white on paper, 163 x 290 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Design for the Adoration of the Magi1478-81Pen and ink over silverpoint on paper, 285 x 215 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Study for Madonna with the Yarnwinder (?)c. 1501Red chalk and silverpoint on rose-colored prepared paper, 257 x 203 cmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Leda and the Swan1503-07Pen and ink and wash over black chalk on paper, 160 x 139 mmDevonshire Collection, Chatsworth

Study for a kneeling Leda1503-07Black chalk, pen and ink on paper, 126 x 109 cmMuseum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Head of Leda1503-07Black chalk, pen and ink on paper, 177 x 147 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Studies of Leda and a horse1503-07Black chalk, brush and ink on paperRoyal Library, Windsor

Design for St Annec. 1501Slate pencil on prepared paper, 218 x 164 mmPrivate collection, Geneva

Study of St Anne, Mary, the Christ Child and the young St John1501-06Lead pencil, pen and ink on paperGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Study of St Anne, Mary and the Christ Child1503-10Charcoal, pen and ink on paper, 100 x 85 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Study of a childc. 1508Chalk on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Head of a womanc. 1508Chalk on paperRoyal Library, Windsor

Study for Madonna and Child with St Anne1503-17Black chalk, wash and white highlights on paper, 230 x 245 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Study for the Burlington House Cartoon1503-10Charcoal, pen and watercolour on paper, 260 x 197 mmThe British Museum, London

Design for St John in the Wilderness1508-15Red chalk on paper, 24 x 18 cmFormerly Museo del Sacromonte, Varese

Female Head-Charcoal, red chalk, white lead on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Study of an apostle's head and architectural study1494-98Red chalk, pen and ink on paper, 252 x 172 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Study for the Last Supper1494-95Pen and ink on paper, 266 x 214 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Study for the Last Supper1494-95Red chalk on paper, 260 x 392 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Study for the Last Supperc. 1495Red chalk on red prepared paper, 180 x 150 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Study for the Last Supperc. 1495Black chalk on paper, 190 x 149 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Study for the Last Supperc. 1495Pen, ink, silverpoint on blue prepared paper, 145 x 113 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Head of St James the Less-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 565 x 433 mmMusées de Strasbourg, Strasbourg

Head of St Andrew-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 432 mmMusées de Strasbourg, Strasbourg

Head of Judas-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 435 mmMusées de Strasbourg, Strasbourg

Head of St John the Evangelist-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 432 mmMusées de Strasbourg, Strasbourg

Head of St Peter-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 435 mmMusées de Strasbourg, Strasbourg

Head of Christ-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 434 mmMusées de Strasbourg, Strasbourg

Heads of Judas and Peter-Black, brown and red chalk, retouched in charcoal, 666 x 508 mmAckland Art Museum, Chapel Hill

Heads of Sts Thomas and James the Greater-Black, brown and red chalk, retouched in charcoal, 623 x 453 mmAckland Art Museum, Chapel Hill

Profile of a warrior in helmetc. 1472Silverpoint on prepared paper, 285 x 207 mmBritish Museum, London

Study of the effect of light on a profile head (facsimile)1487-90Black chalk, pen and ink on paper, 203 x 143 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Male head in profile with proportionsc. 1490Pen and ink on paper, 280 x 222 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Five caricature headsafter 1490Pen and ink on paper, 18 x 12 cmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Study of five grotesque headsc. 1494Pen and ink on paper, 261 x 206 cmRoyal Library, Windsor

Heads of an old man and a youth1495-1500Red chalk on paper, 208 x 150 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Profile of a man and study of two riders1490 and c. 1504Pen, ink, red chalk on paper, 279 x 223 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Study sheet1478Pen and ink on paper, 202 x 266 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Head of a Man Facing to the Left1490-94Pen and brown ink over charcoal, 120 x 50 mmMetropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Study of an Old Man-DrawingIstituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Rome

Head of an Old Man1487-90Pen and light brown ink, watercolour on pal walnut paper, 112 x 75 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Isabella d'Este1500Black and red chalk, yellow pastel chalk on paper, 63 x 46 cmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Grotesque head1500-05Black chalk on paper, 390 x 280 mmChrist Church, Oxford

Head of a Man1503-05Red chalk on paperGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Profile of an old man-Pen and ink on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Old man with ivy wreath and lion's head1503-05Red chalk with white highlight on pink prepared paper, 183 x 136 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Self-Portraitc. 1512Red chalk on paper, 333 x 213 mmBiblioteca Reale, Turin

Caricature-Pen and ink on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Caricature1495-1506Pen and brown ink, glued onto secondary paper support, 65 x 53 mmPrivate collection

Caricature1495-1506Pen and brown ink, glued onto secondary paper support, 69 x 56 mmPrivate collection

Caricature of a Bald Old Man1485-90Pen and brown ink, 57 x 40 mmBritish Museum, London

Caricature of an Old Woman1485-90Pen and brown ink, 57 x 42 mmBritish Museum, London

Garment study for a seated figure1470-84Brush and grey distemper on grey canvas, 266 x 233 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Drapery for a seated figure-Brush and grey distemper on primed grey linen canvas, 181 x 234 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Drapery for a seated figure-Brush and grey-brown distemper on primed grey linen canvas, 319 x 218 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Study of a child with a cat (facsimile)c. 1478Pen and ink on paper, 206 x 143 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Study of nursing Madonna and profile headsc. 1480Pen and ink on paper, 405 x 290 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Study1478-80Pen and ink on paperBritish Museum, London

Various figure studies-Pen and ink on paper, 278 x 208 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris

Hanging of Bernardo di Bandino Baroncelli1479Pen and ink on paper, 192 x 78 mmMusée Bonnat, Bayonne

Study of handsc. 1474Silverpoint and white highlights on pink prepared paper, 214 x 150 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Seated old man-Pen and ink on paperRoyal Library, Windsor

Galloping Rider and other figures1503-04Red chalk on paper, 168 x 240 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Study of a riderc. 1504Chalk on paperGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Study of David by Michelangelo (detail)1505Pen, ink, black chalk on paperRoyal Library, Windsor

Figure studiesc. 1505DrawingBiblioteca Reale, Turin

Allegory with wolf and eaglec. 1516Red chalk on paper, 170 x 280 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Vitruvian Man1492Pen, ink, watercolour and metalpoint on paper, 343 x 245 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Study on the proportions of head and eyes-Pen and ink, 197 x 160 mmBiblioteca Reale, Turin

Comparison of scalp skin and onion1489Pen, ink and red chalk on paper, 203 x 152 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Studies of human skull1489Pen, ink and black chalk on paper, 188 x 134 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Study of proportionc. 1490Silverpoint on blue prepared paper, 213 x 153 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Anatomical studies of the shoulder1510-11Black chalk, pen and ink on paper, 289 x 199 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Anatomical studies of a male shoulder1509-10Pen and ink on paper, 292 x 198 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Anatomical studies (larynx and leg)1510DrawingRoyal Library, Windsor

Heart and its Blood Vessels-DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Studies of the sexual act and male sexual organc. 1492Pen and ink on paper, 273 x 202 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Anatomical studies1504-06Pen on red prepared paper, 253 x 197 mmBiblioteca Reale, Turin

Studies of legs of man and the leg of a horse1506-07Pen, ink, red chalk on red prepared paper, 285 x 205 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Drawing of a Woman's Torso-DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Drawing of the Torso and the Arms-DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Studies of embryos1509-14Black and red chalk, pen and ink wash on paper, 305 x 220 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Landscape drawing for Santa Maria della Neve on 5th August 14731473Pen and ink, 190 x 285 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Cavern with ducks1482-85Pen and ink on paper, 220 x 158 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Storm over a landscapec. 1500Red chalk on paper, 200 x 150 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Landscape near Pisa1502-03Red chalk on paper, 211 x 150 mmBiblioteca Nacional, Madrid

Deluge over a city1517-18Black chalk on paper, 163 x 210 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Natural disaster1517-18Black chalk, pen and ink on paper, 162 x 203 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Lily (detail)1480-85Pe and ink, black chalk on paper, 314 x 177 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Fruit, vegetables and other studies1487-89Pen and ink on paper, 235 x 176 mmInstitut de France, Paris

Star of Bethlehem and other plants1505-07Pen and ink over red chalk on paper, 198 x 160 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Birch copsec. 1500Red chalk on paper, 193 x 153 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Study of horsesc. 1490Silverpoint on prepared paper, 250 x 187 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Study of horses1504-06Red chalk on paperRoyal Library, Windsor

Study sheet with horses1513-15Pen, ink, black chalk on paper, 298 x 212 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Codex on the flight of birds-Pen and ink on paper, 210 x 150 mmBiblioteca Reale, Turin

Study sheet with cats, dragon and other animals1513-15Pen, ink, black chalk on paper, 271 x 204 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Studies of a Bear Walking1483-85Metalpoint on pink-light brown prepared paper, 103 x 134 mmMetropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Studies of crabs-DrawingWallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne

Flower study-Metalpoint, pen and ink on slightly brownish paper, 183 x 201 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice

Crossbow Machine1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Giant Crossbow1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Assault chariot with scythesc. 1485Silverpoint, pen and ink on paper, 210 x 292 mmBiblioteca Reale, Turin

Multi Barrel Gun1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Siege Defenses1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Siege Defenses1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Cannon foundry1487Pen and ink on paperRoyal Library, Windsor

Study of waterc. 1513Pen and ink on paper, 154 x 216 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Studies of water1509-11Pen and ink on paper, 290 x 202 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Drawings of Water Lifting Devices1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Canal bridgec. 1495Pen and ink on paper, 27 x 20 cmBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Flying machinec. 1487Metalpoint, pen and ink on paper, 235 x 176 mmInstitut de France, Paris

Drawing of a flying machinec. 1485Pen and ink on paper, 23 x 16 cmBibliothéque de l'Institut de France, Paris

Device for Making Sequins1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Skis with which one can walk on water (detail)c. 1480Metalpoint, pen and ink on paperBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Automobile1478-80Metalpoint, pen and brush on paper, 27 x 20 cmBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan

Spring Device-ManuscriptMuseo del Prado, Madrid

Town plan of Imolac. 1502Pencil, chalk, pen and wash on paper, 440 x 602 mmMuseo Vinciano, Vinci

Map of Tuscany and the Chiana Valleyc.1502Black chalk, pen, ink and colour on paper, 338 x 488 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Bird's-eye-view of sea coastc. 1515Pen, ink, watercolour on paper, 272 x 400 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Studies of central plan buildings-Pen and ink on paper, 23 x 16 cmInstitut de France, Paris

Study of a central churchc. 1488Pen, ink and black chalk on paper, 24 x 19 cmBibliothéque de l'Institut de France, Paris

Studies of the Villa Melzi and anatomical study1513Pen and ink on paperRoyal Library, Windsor

Equestrian Statue1516-19Bronze, 24,3 cmSzépmévészeti Mézeum, Budapest

Equestrian Statue1516-19Bronze, 24,3 cmSzépmévészeti Mézeum, Budapest

Equestrian Statue1516-19Bronze, 24,3 cmSzépmévészeti Mézeum, Budapest

Equestrian Statue (detail)1516-19BronzeSzépmévészeti Mézeum, Budapest

Manuscript page on the Sforza monumentc. 1493Pen and ink on paper, 21 x 15 cmBiblioteca Nacional, Madrid

Study for the Sforza monument1488-89Metalpoint on bluish prepared paperRoyal Library, Windsor

Double manuscript page on the Sforza monumentc. 1493Red chalk on paper, 21 x 30 cmBiblioteca Nacional, Madrid

Study for the Trivulzio Equestrian Monument1508-10Pen and ink on paper, 280 x 198 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Study for the Trivulzio monument1508-12Pen, ink and red chalk on paper, 217 x 169 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Equestrian monument1517-18Black chalk on paper, 278 x 184 mmRoyal Library, Windsor

Bust of Flora1510sWax, height 67,5 cmStaatliche Museen, Berlin

The Baptism of Christ (detail)1472-75Oil on woodGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceAnnunciation1472-75Tempera on wood, 98 x 217 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceAnnunciation (detail)1472-75Oil and tempera on woodGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceAnnunciation (detail)1472-75Oil and tempera on woodGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceAnnunciation (detail)1472-75Oil and tempera on woodGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Annunciation (detail)1472-75Oil and tempera on woodGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorencePortrait of Ginevra de' Benci1474-78Oil on wood, 38,8 x 36,7 cmNational Gallery of Art, WashingtonReverse side of the portrait of Ginevra de' Benci1474-78Oil on wood, 38,8 x 36,7 cmNational Gallery of Art, WashingtonMadonna with a Flower (Madonna Benois)c. 1478Oil on canvas transferred from wood, 50 x 32 cmThe Hermitage, St. PetersburgMadonna with a Flower (Madonna Benois)c. 1478Oil on canvas transferred from wood, 50 x 32 cmThe Hermitage, St. Petersburg
The Madonna of the Carnation1478-80Oil on panel, 62 x 47,5 cmAlte Pinakothek, MunichThe Madonna of the Carnation (detail)1478-80Oil on panelAlte Pinakothek, MunichThe Madonna of the Carnation (detail)1478-80Oil on panel, width of detail: 25 cmAlte Pinakothek, MunichAnnunciation1478-82Oil on panel, 16 x 60 cmMusée du Louvre, ParisAnnunciation (detail)1478-82Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, Paris
Annunciation (detail)1478-82Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, ParisSt Jeromec. 1480Oil on panel, 103 x 75 cmPinacoteca, VaticanAdoration of the Magi1481-82Oil on panel, 246 x 243 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceVirgin of the Rocks1483-86Oil on panel, 199 x 122 cmMusée du Louvre, ParisVirgin of the Rocks (detail)1483-86Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, Paris
Virgin of the Rocks (detail)1483-86Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, ParisVirgin of the Rocks1495-1508Oil on panel, 189,5 x 120 cmNational Gallery, LondonPortrait of Cecilia Gallerani (Lady with an Ermine)1483-90Oil on wood, 55 x 40 cmCzartoryski Museum, CracowPortrait of Cecilia Gallerani (detail)1483-90Oil on woodCzartoryski Museum, CracowPortrait of a Musician1490Oil on panel, 43 x 31 cmPinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milan
La belle Ferroniérec. 1490Oil on panel, 63 x 45 cmMusée du Louvre, ParisMadonna Littac. 1490-91Tempera on canvas, transferred from panel, 42 x 33 cmThe Hermitage, St. PetersburgMadonna Litta (detail)c. 1490-91Tempera on canvas, transferred from panelThe Hermitage, St. PetersburgThe Refectory with the Last Supper after restoration1498-Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, MilanThe Last Supper1498Mixed technique, 460 x 880 cmConvent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan
The Last Supper1498Mixed technique, 460 x 880 cmConvent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, MilanThe Last Supper1498Mixed technique, 460 x 880 cmConvent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, MilanThe Last Supper (detail)1498Mixed techniqueConvent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, MilanCeiling decoration1496-98Fresco and temperaSala delle Asse, Castello Sforzesco, MilanCeiling decoration1496-98Fresco and temperaSala delle Asse, Castello Sforzesco, Milan
Mona Lisa (La Gioconda)c. 1503-5Oil on panel, 77 x 53 cmMusée du Louvre, ParisMona Lisa (La Gioconda)c. 1503-5Oil on panel, 77 x 53 cmMusée du Louvre, ParisMona Lisa (detail)1503-5Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, ParisMona Lisa (detail)1503-5Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, ParisMona Lisa (detail)1503-5Oil on panelMusée du Louvre, Paris
Female head (La Scapigliata)c. 1508Oil on panel, 27 x 21 cmGalleria Nazionale, ParmaMadonna and Child with St Anne and the Young St John1507-08Charcoal with white chalk heightening on paper, 141,5 x 106 cmNational Gallery, LondonMadonna and Child with St Anne and the Young St John (detail)1507-08Charcoal with white chalk heightening on paperNational Gallery, LondonThe Virgin and Child with St Annec. 1510Oil on wood, 168 x 130 cmMusée du Louvre, ParisThe Virgin and Child with St Anne (detail)c. 1510Oil on woodMusée du Louvre, Paris
The Virgin and Child with St Anne (detail)c. 1510Oil on wood, width of detail 40 cmMusée du Louvre, ParisSt John in the Wilderness (Bacchus)1510-15Oil on panel transferred to canvas, 177 x 115 cmMusée du Louvre, ParisSt John the Baptist1513-16Oil on panel, 69 x 57 cmMusée du Louvre, ParisMadonna with the Yarnwinderc. 1501Oil on panel, 48,3 x 36,9 cmPrivate collectionMadonna with the Yarnwinderafter 1510Oil on panel, transferred to canvas, 50,2 x 36,4 cmPrivate collection, New York
Madonna with the Yarnwinder (detail)after 1510Oil on panel, transferred to canvasPrivate collection, New YorkLeda1508-15Oil on panel, 130 x 77,5 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceLeda (detail)1508-15Oil on panel, 130 x 77,5 cmGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceLeda1510-15Oil on panel, 112 x 86 cmGalleria Borghese, RomeLeda and the Swan1505-10Oil on panel, 69,5 x 73,7 cmWilton House, Salisbury
Ledac. 1530Oil on woodStaatliche Museen, KasselLast Supper (copy)16th centuryOil on canvas, 418 x 794 cmDa Vinci Museum, TongerloThe Battle of Anghiari (detail)1503-05Black chalk, pen and ink, watercolour on paper, 452 x 637 mmMusée du Louvre, ParisThe Battle of Anghiari (detail)1503-05Oil on canvasGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceThe Battle of Anghiari (copy of a detail)1503-05DrawingGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Battle of Anghiari (Tavola Doria)1503-05Oil on panel, 85 x 115 cmFormerly private collection, Munich (lost)Group of riders in the Battle of Anghiari1503-04Black chalk, white highlights, 160 x 197 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudy of battles on horseback and on foot1503-04Pen and ink on paper, 160 x 152 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, VeniceStudy of battles on horseback and on foot1503-04Pen and ink on paper, 145 x 152 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, VeniceStudy of battles on horseback1503-04Pen and ink on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Study of horses for the Battle of Anghiari1503-04Traces of black and red chalk, pen and ink, wash on paper, 196 x 308 mm Royal Library, WindsorRearing horse1503-04Red chalk and pencil, 153 x 142 mmRoyal Library, WindsorHead studies1504-05Metalpoint, black and red chalk on paper, 191 x 188 mmSzépmévészeti Mézeum, BudapestHead of a Warrior ('The Red Head')1504-05Red chalk on brownish paper, 226 x 186 mmSzépmévészeti Mézeum, BudapestSleeve study for the Annunciation1470-73Pen, ink on paper, 85 x 95 mmChrist Church, Oxford
Woman's Head1470-76Pen, ink and white pigment on paper, 282 x 199 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceStudy of the Madonna and Child with a Catc. 1478Pen and ink on paper, 281 x 199 mm British Museum, LondonStudy for the Madonna with the Fruit Bowlc. 1478Pen and ink over silverpoint on paper, 358 x 252 mmMusée du Louvre, ParisStudy of a woman's headc. 1490Silverpoint on greenish prepared paper, 180 x 168 mmMusée du Louvre, ParisHead of a girlc. 1483Silverpoint and white highlights on prepared paper, 181 x 159 mmBiblioteca Reale, Turin
Studies for a Nativity-Pen and brown ink, on pink prepared paper, 193 x 162 mmMetropolitan Museum of Art, New YorkPerspectival study of the Adoration of the Magic. 1481Pen and ink, traces of silverpoint and white on paper, 163 x 290 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceDesign for the Adoration of the Magi1478-81Pen and ink over silverpoint on paper, 285 x 215 mmMusée du Louvre, ParisStudy for Madonna with the Yarnwinder (?)c. 1501Red chalk and silverpoint on rose-colored prepared paper, 257 x 203 cmGallerie dell'Accademia, VeniceLeda and the Swan1503-07Pen and ink and wash over black chalk on paper, 160 x 139 mmDevonshire Collection, Chatsworth
Study for a kneeling Leda1503-07Black chalk, pen and ink on paper, 126 x 109 cmMuseum Boijmans Van Beuningen, RotterdamHead of Leda1503-07Black chalk, pen and ink on paper, 177 x 147 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudies of Leda and a horse1503-07Black chalk, brush and ink on paperRoyal Library, WindsorDesign for St Annec. 1501Slate pencil on prepared paper, 218 x 164 mmPrivate collection, GenevaStudy of St Anne, Mary, the Christ Child and the young St John1501-06Lead pencil, pen and ink on paperGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
Study of St Anne, Mary and the Christ Child1503-10Charcoal, pen and ink on paper, 100 x 85 mmMusée du Louvre, ParisStudy of a childc. 1508Chalk on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceHead of a womanc. 1508Chalk on paperRoyal Library, WindsorStudy for Madonna and Child with St Anne1503-17Black chalk, wash and white highlights on paper, 230 x 245 mmMusée du Louvre, ParisStudy for the Burlington House Cartoon1503-10Charcoal, pen and watercolour on paper, 260 x 197 mmThe British Museum, London
Design for St John in the Wilderness1508-15Red chalk on paper, 24 x 18 cmFormerly Museo del Sacromonte, VareseFemale Head-Charcoal, red chalk, white lead on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceStudy of an apostle's head and architectural study1494-98Red chalk, pen and ink on paper, 252 x 172 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudy for the Last Supper1494-95Pen and ink on paper, 266 x 214 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudy for the Last Supper1494-95Red chalk on paper, 260 x 392 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
Study for the Last Supperc. 1495Red chalk on red prepared paper, 180 x 150 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudy for the Last Supperc. 1495Black chalk on paper, 190 x 149 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudy for the Last Supperc. 1495Pen, ink, silverpoint on blue prepared paper, 145 x 113 mmGraphische Sammlung Albertina, ViennaHead of St James the Less-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 565 x 433 mmMusées de Strasbourg, StrasbourgHead of St Andrew-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 432 mmMusées de Strasbourg, Strasbourg
Head of Judas-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 435 mmMusées de Strasbourg, StrasbourgHead of St John the Evangelist-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 432 mmMusées de Strasbourg, StrasbourgHead of St Peter-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 435 mmMusées de Strasbourg, StrasbourgHead of Christ-Pencil, black chalk, paste, and watercolour, 562 x 434 mmMusées de Strasbourg, StrasbourgHeads of Judas and Peter-Black, brown and red chalk, retouched in charcoal, 666 x 508 mmAckland Art Museum, Chapel Hill
Heads of Sts Thomas and James the Greater-Black, brown and red chalk, retouched in charcoal, 623 x 453 mmAckland Art Museum, Chapel HillProfile of a warrior in helmetc. 1472Silverpoint on prepared paper, 285 x 207 mmBritish Museum, LondonStudy of the effect of light on a profile head (facsimile)1487-90Black chalk, pen and ink on paper, 203 x 143 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceMale head in profile with proportionsc. 1490Pen and ink on paper, 280 x 222 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, VeniceFive caricature headsafter 1490Pen and ink on paper, 18 x 12 cmGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
Study of five grotesque headsc. 1494Pen and ink on paper, 261 x 206 cmRoyal Library, WindsorHeads of an old man and a youth1495-1500Red chalk on paper, 208 x 150 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceProfile of a man and study of two riders1490 and c. 1504Pen, ink, red chalk on paper, 279 x 223 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, VeniceStudy sheet1478Pen and ink on paper, 202 x 266 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceHead of a Man Facing to the Left1490-94Pen and brown ink over charcoal, 120 x 50 mmMetropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Study of an Old Man-DrawingIstituto Nazionale per la Grafica, RomeHead of an Old Man1487-90Pen and light brown ink, watercolour on pal walnut paper, 112 x 75 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, VeniceIsabella d'Este1500Black and red chalk, yellow pastel chalk on paper, 63 x 46 cmMusée du Louvre, ParisGrotesque head1500-05Black chalk on paper, 390 x 280 mmChrist Church, OxfordHead of a Man1503-05Red chalk on paperGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
Profile of an old man-Pen and ink on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceOld man with ivy wreath and lion's head1503-05Red chalk with white highlight on pink prepared paper, 183 x 136 mmRoyal Library, WindsorSelf-Portraitc. 1512Red chalk on paper, 333 x 213 mmBiblioteca Reale, TurinCaricature-Pen and ink on paperGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceCaricature1495-1506Pen and brown ink, glued onto secondary paper support, 65 x 53 mmPrivate collection
Caricature1495-1506Pen and brown ink, glued onto secondary paper support, 69 x 56 mmPrivate collectionCaricature of a Bald Old Man1485-90Pen and brown ink, 57 x 40 mmBritish Museum, LondonCaricature of an Old Woman1485-90Pen and brown ink, 57 x 42 mmBritish Museum, LondonGarment study for a seated figure1470-84Brush and grey distemper on grey canvas, 266 x 233 mmMusée du Louvre, ParisDrapery for a seated figure-Brush and grey distemper on primed grey linen canvas, 181 x 234 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris
Drapery for a seated figure-Brush and grey-brown distemper on primed grey linen canvas, 319 x 218 mmMusée du Louvre, ParisStudy of a child with a cat (facsimile)c. 1478Pen and ink on paper, 206 x 143 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceStudy of nursing Madonna and profile headsc. 1480Pen and ink on paper, 405 x 290 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudy1478-80Pen and ink on paperBritish Museum, LondonVarious figure studies-Pen and ink on paper, 278 x 208 mmMusée du Louvre, Paris
Hanging of Bernardo di Bandino Baroncelli1479Pen and ink on paper, 192 x 78 mmMusée Bonnat, BayonneStudy of handsc. 1474Silverpoint and white highlights on pink prepared paper, 214 x 150 mmRoyal Library, WindsorSeated old man-Pen and ink on paperRoyal Library, WindsorGalloping Rider and other figures1503-04Red chalk on paper, 168 x 240 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudy of a riderc. 1504Chalk on paperGallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
Study of David by Michelangelo (detail)1505Pen, ink, black chalk on paperRoyal Library, WindsorFigure studiesc. 1505DrawingBiblioteca Reale, TurinAllegory with wolf and eaglec. 1516Red chalk on paper, 170 x 280 mmRoyal Library, WindsorVitruvian Man1492Pen, ink, watercolour and metalpoint on paper, 343 x 245 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, VeniceStudy on the proportions of head and eyes-Pen and ink, 197 x 160 mmBiblioteca Reale, Turin
Comparison of scalp skin and onion1489Pen, ink and red chalk on paper, 203 x 152 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudies of human skull1489Pen, ink and black chalk on paper, 188 x 134 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudy of proportionc. 1490Silverpoint on blue prepared paper, 213 x 153 mmRoyal Library, WindsorAnatomical studies of the shoulder1510-11Black chalk, pen and ink on paper, 289 x 199 mmRoyal Library, WindsorAnatomical studies of a male shoulder1509-10Pen and ink on paper, 292 x 198 mmRoyal Library, Windsor
Anatomical studies (larynx and leg)1510DrawingRoyal Library, WindsorHeart and its Blood Vessels-DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, MilanStudies of the sexual act and male sexual organc. 1492Pen and ink on paper, 273 x 202 mmRoyal Library, WindsorAnatomical studies1504-06Pen on red prepared paper, 253 x 197 mmBiblioteca Reale, TurinStudies of legs of man and the leg of a horse1506-07Pen, ink, red chalk on red prepared paper, 285 x 205 mmRoyal Library, Windsor
Drawing of a Woman's Torso-DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, MilanDrawing of the Torso and the Arms-DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, MilanStudies of embryos1509-14Black and red chalk, pen and ink wash on paper, 305 x 220 mmRoyal Library, WindsorLandscape drawing for Santa Maria della Neve on 5th August 14731473Pen and ink, 190 x 285 mmGalleria degli Uffizi, FlorenceCavern with ducks1482-85Pen and ink on paper, 220 x 158 mmRoyal Library, Windsor
Storm over a landscapec. 1500Red chalk on paper, 200 x 150 mmRoyal Library, WindsorLandscape near Pisa1502-03Red chalk on paper, 211 x 150 mmBiblioteca Nacional, MadridDeluge over a city1517-18Black chalk on paper, 163 x 210 mmRoyal Library, WindsorNatural disaster1517-18Black chalk, pen and ink on paper, 162 x 203 mmRoyal Library, WindsorLily (detail)1480-85Pe and ink, black chalk on paper, 314 x 177 mmRoyal Library, Windsor
Fruit, vegetables and other studies1487-89Pen and ink on paper, 235 x 176 mmInstitut de France, ParisStar of Bethlehem and other plants1505-07Pen and ink over red chalk on paper, 198 x 160 mmRoyal Library, WindsorBirch copsec. 1500Red chalk on paper, 193 x 153 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudy of horsesc. 1490Silverpoint on prepared paper, 250 x 187 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudy of horses1504-06Red chalk on paperRoyal Library, Windsor
Study sheet with horses1513-15Pen, ink, black chalk on paper, 298 x 212 mmRoyal Library, WindsorCodex on the flight of birds-Pen and ink on paper, 210 x 150 mmBiblioteca Reale, TurinStudy sheet with cats, dragon and other animals1513-15Pen, ink, black chalk on paper, 271 x 204 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudies of a Bear Walking1483-85Metalpoint on pink-light brown prepared paper, 103 x 134 mmMetropolitan Museum of Art, New YorkStudies of crabs-DrawingWallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne
Flower study-Metalpoint, pen and ink on slightly brownish paper, 183 x 201 mmGallerie dell'Accademia, VeniceCrossbow Machine1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, MilanGiant Crossbow1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, MilanAssault chariot with scythesc. 1485Silverpoint, pen and ink on paper, 210 x 292 mmBiblioteca Reale, TurinMulti Barrel Gun1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan
Siege Defenses1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, MilanSiege Defenses1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, MilanCannon foundry1487Pen and ink on paperRoyal Library, WindsorStudy of waterc. 1513Pen and ink on paper, 154 x 216 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudies of water1509-11Pen and ink on paper, 290 x 202 mmRoyal Library, Windsor
Drawings of Water Lifting Devices1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, MilanCanal bridgec. 1495Pen and ink on paper, 27 x 20 cmBiblioteca Ambrosiana, MilanFlying machinec. 1487Metalpoint, pen and ink on paper, 235 x 176 mmInstitut de France, ParisDrawing of a flying machinec. 1485Pen and ink on paper, 23 x 16 cmBibliothéque de l'Institut de France, ParisDevice for Making Sequins1480-82DrawingBiblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan
Skis with which one can walk on water (detail)c. 1480Metalpoint, pen and ink on paperBiblioteca Ambrosiana, MilanAutomobile1478-80Metalpoint, pen and brush on paper, 27 x 20 cmBiblioteca Ambrosiana, MilanSpring Device-ManuscriptMuseo del Prado, MadridTown plan of Imolac. 1502Pencil, chalk, pen and wash on paper, 440 x 602 mmMuseo Vinciano, VinciMap of Tuscany and the Chiana Valleyc.1502Black chalk, pen, ink and colour on paper, 338 x 488 mmRoyal Library, Windsor
Bird's-eye-view of sea coastc. 1515Pen, ink, watercolour on paper, 272 x 400 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudies of central plan buildings-Pen and ink on paper, 23 x 16 cmInstitut de France, ParisStudy of a central churchc. 1488Pen, ink and black chalk on paper, 24 x 19 cmBibliothéque de l'Institut de France, ParisStudies of the Villa Melzi and anatomical study1513Pen and ink on paperRoyal Library, WindsorEquestrian Statue1516-19Bronze, 24,3 cmSzépmévészeti Mézeum, Budapest
Equestrian Statue1516-19Bronze, 24,3 cmSzépmévészeti Mézeum, BudapestEquestrian Statue1516-19Bronze, 24,3 cmSzépmévészeti Mézeum, BudapestEquestrian Statue (detail)1516-19BronzeSzépmévészeti Mézeum, BudapestManuscript page on the Sforza monumentc. 1493Pen and ink on paper, 21 x 15 cmBiblioteca Nacional, MadridStudy for the Sforza monument1488-89Metalpoint on bluish prepared paperRoyal Library, Windsor
Double manuscript page on the Sforza monumentc. 1493Red chalk on paper, 21 x 30 cmBiblioteca Nacional, MadridStudy for the Trivulzio Equestrian Monument1508-10Pen and ink on paper, 280 x 198 mmRoyal Library, WindsorStudy for the Trivulzio monument1508-12Pen, ink and red chalk on paper, 217 x 169 mmRoyal Library, WindsorEquestrian monument1517-18Black chalk on paper, 278 x 184 mmRoyal Library, WindsorBust of Flora1510sWax, height 67,5 cmStaatliche Museen, Berlin

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