

영지니 2020. 3. 15. 21:54

슬라이드 3/14: Germany, Bavaria, Bavarian Rhon, Field of Lupins with Red Sky in the Morning

슬라이드 4/14: The Eiffel Tower is in view at dusk in Paris from Montparnasse.

슬라이드 5/14: Lock2017-B5_SA_GalapagosSunsetEcuador_GettyImages-142052374_1920x1080

슬라이드 6/14: Lock2017-B5_AF_AcaciaTreesKenya_GettyImages-185313247_1920x1080

슬라이드 7/14: Lock2017-B5_SA_SeaOfCortezBajaMexico_GettyImages-78458054_1920x1080

슬라이드 8/14: BeachPiriapolisUruguay_GettyImages-555297295_1920x1080

슬라이드 9/14: Lock2017-B7_RedBuglossTenerifeCanaryIslandsSpain_Offset_550261_1920x1080

슬라이드 10/14: Lock2017-B7_TheMittensNavajoTribalParkAZ_Offset_507910_1920x1080

슬라이드 11/14: Seljalandfoss waterfall at sunset in HDR, Iceland

슬라이드 12/14: Landscapes image of sunset over Stonehenge an ancient prehistoric stone monument, Wiltshire, UK.

슬라이드 13/14: Taj Mahal and Yamuna River at sunset

슬라이드 14/14: Santa Monica, California beautiful sunset

슬라이드 1/14: Poland, Bieszczady Mountains, view over the top of the mountains at sunset

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